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Press Release

Sunlight Solutions Unveils Innovative Updates: Streamlined UI, AI Enhancements, and Global Features

John Morey is an industry veteran with over 15 years of experience in product development, marketing, and business development. John has a proven track record of driving innovation and growth.

“I am excited to lead the expanded P&C-focused effort at Sunlight. The P&C market has been a key area of success for Sunlight since its inception. This new structure will enable us to explore the market further and provide even more value to our clients,” Morey stated.

The establishment of Sunlight P&C marks a significant milestone in Sunlight Solutions’ growth trajectory. By concentrating resources on this specific segment, the company aims to leverage its deep expertise and cutting-edge technology to offer tailored solutions that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of P&C insurers.

John Morey

Q. What’s a defining moment in your life that shaped who you are today? 

A. Being born. Without a doubt, not a single moment in my life has had more of an impact. It set into motion all the events that have got me to where I am today.  

Q. If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and why? 

A. At the top of my list would be a nature or history inspired trip to Botswana for a safari, or Peru to see Machu Picchu 

Q. What’s a hobby you could talk about for hours? 

A. Cycling. What’s your FTP?  

Q. If you could have a completely different career for a year, just for fun, what would it be? 

A. A Ski Patrol at Telluride.  

Q. What’s a small, everyday thing that brings you a lot of joy? 

A. Anything outside, running, biking, swimming, skiing, doing yard work.  

Q. What’s a quote from a book, movie, or song that you live by? 

A. “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein  

Q. What’s a piece of pop culture nostalgia that instantly brings you back to childhood? 

A. Nothing is more nostalgic for me than Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles.  

Q. If you had to watch only one movie or TV series for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

A. Seinfeld – 9 seasons of TV perfection.  

Q. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

A. Tacos! With so much variety, tacos never get old.  

Q. What’s a hidden gem (restaurant, city, attraction) that more people should know about? 

A. Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA), one of the most pristine, untouched wilderness areas in the country, which happens to be in my home state of Minnesota.  

Q. If you could open a restaurant or café, what would its theme or specialty be? 

A. It would need to be a breakfast spot. The only two meals I cook that anyone would actually pay me for are Waffles and French Toast.  

Q. What’s one thing you love about working at Sunlight Solutions? 

A. Sunlight has a culture that pays no respect to corporate norms. Everyone in the organization is encouraged to do their best work in the best way possible, regardless of how things have been done in the past.  

Q. What’s one piece of career advice that has really stuck with you? 

A. “You must own and drive your career path”. Don’t fall into the trap thinking that your company, boss, or mentor will lead and drive career advancement. I learned early on that only you can do this. If you need a new skill, go learn it. If you want a new experience, go find it. Don’t wait for someone to give it to you. If you do, it may never happen.  

Q. What motivates you to do your best work every day? 

A. I love being part of a team that accomplishes things that have never been done before. Sunlight is no longer a startup, but we maintain that mindset and drive to approach challenges from a different angle.    
